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Bugging Humans (1).png
Night Sky

Bugging Humans is currently an early development project funded by VicScreen and directed by Christy Dena. The game is being developed in Unity for PC/Mac, and is being designed with and for vision impaired individuals. The project is a local co-operative adventure-comedy, where a Blind Spider and Blow Fly team up to start a rebellion against the human stuffing up their backyard.

This game is about the work, joy, and significance of solidarity
…and being silly doing it.

Ghost Dog.png


Blow Fly_Stuck on back.png.png
Blow Fly_Stuck on back.png.png
Blow Fly_Stuck on back.png.png
Blow Fly_Stuck on back.png.png
  • Designing & Developing all backend functionality for the project

  • Working closely with Christy (Project Lead/Creative Director) to fulfill weekly goals & bring the creative vision to life.

  • Working closely with Allison (Music Composer/Audio Engineer) to integrate FMOD into the project for adaptive music and audio.

  • Engineering all aspects/progression of the game from start to finish

  • Coordinate and manage weekly builds throughout the duration of production. Ensuring builds are functional and optimized for ongoing user testing, and active iterative feedback.

  • Software Being Used Include: Unity, FMOD, Google Workplace, Github, Teamwork, Visual Studio

*Note: Due to development currently being in very early prototype stage, gameplay/showcase of work is not yet available*

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